Courtmoor day1 2021 073

Learning Support

Students need additional help from time to time. Some have particular needs which require the help of The Learning Hub.

In September 2023, there were approximately 40 individuals on roll with an Education, Health and Care Plan, but support is also being given to many others. The school is committed to providing for each student the most appropriate level of support possible within the resources available. A copy of the school’s policy on provision for students with special educational needs is available from the school office on request or via our website. There is a nominated governor who is responsible for liaison with The Learning Hub (formerly the Support Studies Department).

Students with special needs are identified as early as possible using information from primary schools, parents and screening tests. Where necessary a programme will be devised, which may involve individual or small group work outside the main timetable, or the provision of additional support within normal lessons. Progress is carefully monitored and where appropriate advice is provided to enable parents to help their children at home.

All staff are expected to recognise students’ individual needs and to plan and provide for those with special education needs within their teaching groups. In addition, students may themselves request additional help. The staff in The Learning Hub have specialist expertise including qualifications in the teaching of students with specific learning difficulties. They are assisted by a trained team of Learning Coaches with considerable expertise and experience. The needs of students receiving additional support are reviewed regularly on an individual basis. Advice is sought from other external professional agencies, when necessary, which might include educational psychology or communication and language.

The progress of all students is continuously monitored and support may be provided or withdrawn, increased or decreased, as their needs change. Parents are contacted if there is cause for concern or if significant changes in the provision of support are being considered. Parents are not necessarily notified when routine checks on progress are being undertaken or when minor adjustments in the provision of support are made.  Further information can be obtained from the Head of The Learning Hub, Mrs Jan Vincent, or the SENCo, Mrs Nickie Deeley, and both can be contacted via

Mrs Jan Vincent

Head of Learning Hub

Mrs Nickie Deeley


Complaints Procedure for Parents of SEN Students 

Complaints for SEN-based issues will be progressed in a similar fashion to other complaints and will follow the rules and procedures as laid out in the Complaints Policy (see Policies page).

Any specific complaints regarding SEN issues should be addressed to Mr Tim Sandford, Director of Intervention & Inclusion. This will constitute the initial ‘informal’ stage of the procedure. Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of that meeting then the standard procedure will be followed and you will be offered a senior management resolution, before moving onto the Headteacher and ultimately the governors.

Almost all issues are solved at the very earliest stage and communication with the school on a regular basis is a key element of successful schooling for students with SEN needs.

For our SEN and Supporting pupils with medical conditions policies, please refer to the Statutory Polices section on our Policies page.




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