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School Computer System Guides
The school uses several computer systems to help with different aspects of school life which are summarised below:
EduLink One – Used to send email and text messages to parents/carers. You can use the website/app to view information about your child, update your details in the school database, and book parents’ evenings..
satchel:one (previously called Show My Homework) – Used to set homework for students. Parents/carers are issued with their own account to monitor homework completion.
SCOPAY (Cashless Catering) – For adding credit to catering card, paying trips etc. The system is provided by Tucasi. Please see the School Meals page on our website for further details.
For students joining in year 7, parents/carers should receive their EduLink One and satchel:one login information within the first 2-3 weeks. A SCOPAY link code is typically sent ahead of the summer holidays to allow parents/carers to setup an account and purchase items ahead of the start of year.
For students joining mid-year, parents/carers will typically receive login information for all three accounts within 2-3 weeks of joining.
For more information about EduLink One and satchel:one, including how you will receive account details and when you can use the systems, please see below:
EduLink One
The school sends emails and text messages using EduLink One. It is not necessary to use the website/app to receive these messages, as they will go to your email account/phone, but if you want to use the website/app it will allow you to:
- view a copy of messages from the school
- view your child’s timetable
- view your child’s reports
- change your details e.g. email address
- view your child’s absence
- view your child’s exam timetable (where relevant)
- book parents’ evenings
- book clubs/extra-curricular
- log absence, although this can also be done via the school Reception (01252 615065) / Admin Office email address (adminoffice@court-moor.hants.sch.uk )
When joining the school and completing the admissions form you will confirm whether you want to receive emails and text messages from the school. If you have requested to receive communications from the school but do not have an email address within the school database then you will receive information via your child in hardcopy.
If you have opted to receive email from the school you will receive your login for EduLink One via email from the Admin Office (adminoffice@court‑moor.hants.sch.uk) within the first few days of the first term. We strongly recommend you whitelist the adminoffice@court-moor.hants.sch.uk address to ensure you receive emails from the school without issue. Parents can access EduLink One via https://www.edulinkone.com/#!/login?code=courtmoor or the smartphone app, also called EduLink One. The school ID for the smartphone app is “courtmoor”.
It is important to ensure you have allowed notifications from the app, which you can check as follows:
For Apple devices:
1. On your phone go to Settings
2. Scroll down to "Notifications"
3. Scroll down to “EduLink One”
4. In here ensure that “Allow Notifications” is switched on
5. We recommend ensuring that all Alert types are ticked, that the “Banner Style” is set to
“Persistent”, and that “Sounds” and “Badges” are switched on
6. You should now receive notifications when new app messages come through
For Android devices:
1. On your phone go to Settings | Applications Manager
2. Scroll down your list of apps until you find EduLink One and select it
3. In here there will be a tick box that says "Show notifications" ensure this is selected
4. You should now receive notifications when new app messages come through
For any issues with EduLink One contact edulink@court-moor.hants.sch.uk , or to update your
contact details please contact the school Reception (adminoffice@court-moor.hants.sch.uk , 01252
Previously known as Show My Homework, satchel:one (SO) is the system the school uses to issue homework to students. This homework can be in the form of assignments, quizzes, and other types. SO also has a notice board where events and other items are posted.
Once you have received your invite code this will allow you to create your own account linked to your child’s account, which you can then use to monitor homework completion. Students that do not join at the start of Year 7 will receive tuition on how to use SO, and parents/carers can request a sign-up code via itservices@court-moor.hants.sch.uk.
Students joining at the start of Year 7 will receive an assembly on how to use SO. Students access SO either via Unify or the app, details for which are listed below. They always login with their Unify username and password, which are the same as the details they use for a classroom computer. Students are asked to record their login details on the accounts page they are given by their tutor.
Students are asked to record their login details on the accounts page in their blue notebook. Students access SO from home as follows:
- School’s Unify Site: Browse to https://courtmoor.rmunify.com , login to RM Unify using your classroom computer details, click the SMHW button on the RM Unify Launch Pad.
- satchel:one App: Download the satchel:one app, from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, then use the RM Unify login link at the bottom of the app's login page. You must use your classroom computer login details, and must add @courtmoor to your username to ensure Unify knows which school you belong to.
Parent account issues should be directed at itservices@court-moor.hants.sch.uk, or call the school Reception on 01252 615065. Student account issues should be raised with IT Services in-school (1st floor, Dinorben block).