The Court Moor Career’s strategy is linked to Career Development Institute (CDI) Framework and Gatsby Benchmarks.
CDI Framework
The main purpose of the CDI’s Career Development Framework is to clarify the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that individuals need to have a positive career. A ‘positive career’ will mean something different to everyone, but it will typically include being happy with the way you spend your time, being able to contribute to your community and being able to have a decent standard of living.
The CDI’s Career Development Framework describes the six career development skills that people need to have positive careers.

At Court Moor we have aligned our careers strategy to the framework. Please see in the document library below the draft plan.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. More information on the Gatsby Benchmarks and what they involve can be found here
How the benchmarks are implemented in Court Moor is descrivbed below:
Gatsby Benchmark
- A stable career programme
All stakeholders should fully understand the Careers Education programme
- The Careers strategy is the basis for the careers programme.
- Careers Events will be published on the Website and via parent coms/bulletins and will be accessible to Students, Teachers, Employers and Parents/Carers.
- The Careers Programme will be evaluated every 3 Years considering feedback from Students, Teachers, Employers and Parents/Carers
- The school has appointed a Career Leader who is a member of SLT and who has strategic responsibility for the school’s Careers Programme
- Learning from Career and labour market information All students and parents should have access to good quality information about future study options and job markets
- KS3 students will have access to Careers and Labour Market Information through the Careers Programme taught in PSHE, via the school careers portal start
- Most KS4 students will have accessed Careers and Labour Market Information through appointments with an external Careers Advisor and through Get Set days. In addition they will have access to up to date careers and employer information via the school careers portal.
- The school encourages parents and carers to access up to date Labour Market Information, further study options and career paths by information provided on the website, via school careers portal and Parent Information Evenings.
- Addressing the needs of each student
Students have different career guidance that is tailored to the needs of each student at different stages across their time at Court Moor
- The school actively seeks to raise the aspirations of all students by maintaining links with local colleges and employers from a cross section of sectors.
- SEN and disadvantaged students can access a variety of relevant employers and further education opportunities, with priority for career advisory appointments and support from SEN and disadvantaged teams.
- The school seeks to address stereotypical thinking by ensuring there are no barriers to any opportunities offered.
- Records of careers activity are maintained for each student. Students access evidence of their careers and enterprise experiences via the start profile portal.
- Student Destination Data is requested from year 11 students and recorded on an annual basis to be shared with the Local Authority.
- Linking Curriculum Learning to careers
All teachers, especially STEM, should link learning with Careers
- By the time students leave, they will have experienced curriculum learning (especially English, maths, science and PSHE) that highlights the relevance of their subject to future career paths through lessons, workshops, classroom displays, school trips and visits and assemblies.
- Encounters with employers and employees
All students should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills they need
- Students have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and skills that are valued in the workplace, through PSHE lessons, Get Set Days, Career Talks and workshops, assemblies, school visits and work experience/interview Day in year 10.
- Experiences of workplaces Every student should have first had experience of the workplace
- Most Students will have had experience of a workplace through the Work Experience Programme in Year 10.
7. Encounters with further and higher education
Every student should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them
- By the time they leave school, Year 11 students will have been introduced to Sixth Form Colleges, Further Education Colleges, Apprenticeship Providers, Independent Training Providers and Universities as detailed on the careers programme published on the website.
8. Personal Guidance
Every student should have opportunities for guidance interview with a career adviser
- Year 11 Students will be given the opportunity to meet with a qualified Careers Advisor.
- SEN and disadvantaged students have initial meeting with advisor in Year 9, to help with options and follow meeting through year 10 and 11.