Courtmoor day1 2021 143

Examination Information

The Exam Cycle

At KS4, students will sit mock exams in the Summer term of Year 10 and Autumn term of Year 11, prior to external exams in Summer of Year 11. There will be additional mock exams for Year 11 in the Spring term and will be advised.

In the Spring Term, Year 11 students will receive a statement of entry outlining what exams they are sitting in the Summer and, where appropriate at what level they are entered.

Prior to the GCSE Sumer Examinations Year 11 students will receive an individualised timetable, which will also be available on EduLink One.

Specific information for students will be presented in assemblies and reinforced during tutor periods.

2025 GCSE Exam Dates: Written exams begin week commencing Monday 5 May 2025 and run through until Friday 20 June 2025.

National Exam Contingency days are the afternoon of Wednesday 11 June and all day Wednesday 25 June.

Contingency days are designed to be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations. This means that whilst currently no exams are scheduled for this dates, all candidates must be available. This decision is not a school decision. Students/parents/carers make a note of the contingency dates in the event that an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan.


Post Exam Results Information

Exam Rules & Policies

Year 11 Mock Examinations

Year 10 Exams


GCSE Exam Certificates/Lost or Replacement Certificates

GCSE certificates are sent to schools approximately three months after results day, these show the final, confirmed results. These certificates are valuable documents, and it is extremely important that they are collected at the earliest possible opportunity.

Collection evenings are held in November and our former students are invited to collect their certificates on the appointed dates. The certificates can be collected by proxy if they have signed authorisation from the named student.

Unclaimed Certificates

At Court Moor we will securely hold any unclaimed certificates for seven years after the date of issue. Please complete this form to enquire after certificates that you were unable to collect on one of the Collection Evenings.

Certificates can be collected from reception, on an agreed date, and must be signed for; we are unable to post certificates.

Destruction of Certificates

After seven years, any unclaimed certificates are confidentially destroyed.

It is possible to request replacement certificates, for a fee, from the relevant exam boards -

Exam Board AQA -

Exam Board - Edexcel (Pearson) -

Exam Board OCR –

Exam Board WJEC -


If you cannot remember your exam board, or it isn’t listed above, please visit GOV.UK -