
At Court Moor the concept of ‘Safeguarding’ all members of our school community underpins everything else that we do. All members of staff receive regular training in identifying and raising child protection concerns, dealing appropriately with disclosures, and handling sensitively issues around radicalisation and extremism (The Prevent Duty), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), online safety, sexual health and appropriate relationships, and drugs and alcohol awareness. Our detailed and informative policies regarding all these issues are reviewed regularly, and can be found in the Policies section of Information for Parents on the school website.

Parents and students who have any concerns can speak to any member of staff who will find the best person to help you.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Court Moor is Mrs Milner, and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are as follows: Mrs Morgan, Mrs Choubae, Mrs Metcalfe, and Mr Butcher.

Emergency Contact

To report an emergency concern please refer to Hampshire County Council's Children's Services contact page, which includes an out of hours number.


For students, if you have a problem or concern in school or at home you can report it to a member of staff anonymously using Whisper either via a text message to 07860 021323 or at the following link https://swgfl.org.uk/whisper/cms2/

When to report? 

  • You or a friend are being bullied
  • You are concerned for a student's welfare
  • A student, member of staff, or parent has behaved inappropriately
  • You need to talk to someone about a problem
  • Suggestion for changes or improvements in school

When to report?

  • Anytime, but please take account of the fact that the Pastoral team do not monitor Whisper 24/7
  • If you are concerned that you or your friend is in a harmful situation right now, then you should contact Childline on 08001111, as they will be able to give you immediate advice and support. You can then use Whisper to let us know, what is happening so we can follow up with support from school

Resources for parents/carers

Solent MIND has launched a Self-Harm Support Hub for parents, carers and professionals who support young people at risk of, or experiencing, self-harm.

The Hub provides parent and carer-specific support and resources, including Peer Support and a buddying scheme.

The Hub is a useful opportunity to provide wraparound signposting to parents and carers. 

Find out more about the service and register your interest in support here: solentmind.org.uk/theselfharmsupporthub​​​​​​​

Some highlighted local resources to support with young people's mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention, including:

  • Amparo offers support for anyone affected by suicide in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Southampton and Portsmouth
  • Kooth provides anonymous, digital mental health support for 10-25-year-olds in Hampshire, Southampton and the Isle of Wight, including online counselling, moderated peer support forums, and guided self-help activities 
  • SHOUT provides free, 24/7 mental health support by text for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight - texts HANTS to 85258
  • Mental Wellbeing Hampshire provides a directory of local and national resources for children, young people and adults
  • FISH. Hampshire Family Information and Services Hub (FISH) has information about what is going on in Fleet and North Hampshire and the whole county, as well as having advice and information regarding support available to parents, families and young people.