
Governors at Court Moor are drawn from the local community and freely give their time and expertise to support the work of the school. There are several different categories of Governor:

  • Parent Governors - appointed by self-nomination and parent vote in the case of multiple nominations.
  • Staff Governors - appointed by self-nomination and staff vote as appropriate.
  • Local Authority and Co-opted Governors - appointed by the Governing Board.

We are very lucky to have a committed Governing Board with a wide variety of experience and skills from both business and education.

Governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school, working closely with Mrs Beattie, the senior leadership team and staff across the school to ensure we have a clear, ambitious strategic vision for our school. This includes maintaining the ethos and values of the school, setting aims and objectives, adopting policies and setting targets.

This is achieved through regular meetings of our full Governing Body, curriculum, staffing and finance committees. At these meetings Governors are expected to ask relevant and challenging questions from the paradigm of support, and mindful of safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff.

Governors aim to have a visible presence in the school sitting on interview panels for senior members of staff, attending school events, supporting staff and students in their achievements, challenges, and successes, as well as attending regular update meetings with senior leaders and staff.

If you wish to contact us, please email or send a letter marked for the attention of Emma Sharratt, who is Chair of our Governing Body

Governing Body Pen Portraits

Emma Sharratt – Chair of Governors

Driven by a desire to give something back to the community, and with skills and experience gained as a chartered accountant and Senior Manager at KPMG, Emma became a governor at Court Moor in 2013.  Little did she know quite how interesting and rewarding she would find the role and what a passion for education it would ignite!

Emma is Chair of the Governing body and the Curriculum Committee and supports members of the senior leadership team through regular engagement. She is also a member of the Ofsted, Staffing, Finance, SEN and pay committees.  As stakeholder engagement governor she interacts regularly in school with staff, students and parents, something she finds very rewarding and helpful in undertaking her role effectively.

Emma is committed and passionate about ensuring all pupils receive a broad and balanced education which encompasses not only academic success, but the opportunity to grow as individuals, developing lifelong skills and creating special memories.

Simon Williams

Simon Williams is a  co-opted Governor who joined the governing body in 2016. Working in Higher Education as a University Professional Services lead Simon is involved in education daily and has contributed through his role on the Finance and Staffing working groups.  With specific delegated responsibility for data protection Simon has been able to work with the school to ensure continuing compliance with legislation. 

As a parent of two children who have attended Court Moor Simon is married to a teacher working in education locally; this has enabled Simon to also access a pupil and parent perspective during his time on the Governing Body.  His interest in sport and involvement in local community sports teams remains a continuing personal and professional passion.  Simon volunteered to join the Governing body due to a strong belief in the role of a school in the local community as well as a wider commitment to the role of education in society.  The ability of a School Governing Body to provide strategic continuity whilst enabling a strong operational performance is a core belief in why Simon continues to serve on the Governing Body at Court Moor. 

Andy Oldham

Andy has been a governor at Court Moor since February 2018 and is now lead for Health and Safety and Safeguarding.

All three of his children attended Court Moor and enjoyed the experience, and while he found it satisfying to attend events at the school as a parent, Andy’s interest in becoming a governor was to find ways to contribute more to the wellbeing of the school and the student experience.

As a police officer, Andy has been able to use his professional experience to help the school with further improving their already impressive safeguarding culture.

Ranjan Emmanuel

Ranjan grew up in an environment that respected and valued education above all else.   After a degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and an M.Sc. in Computer Science at Imperial College, his career has ranged from digital circuit design, software development, systems integration, and project/ programme management.  His job brought him to Fleet nearly 30 years ago.

He first encountered Court Moor when looking for a good school for his daughter.   Impressed by the values and attitudes of the school, he subsequently offered his services as Governor.  He now sits on the Curriculum group, scrutinising how we cater for all types of pupils and seek to inculcate a love of learning.  He also chairs the Finance committee, to help ensure that we spend wisely and sustainably, with the Student Experience as the core priority.

Recently retired, he is again a student (part time) with the Diocese of Winchester, doing something quite different reading for a Theology degree from Durham University.

Roger Buck

Roger is a co-opted Governor and has over 20 years’ experience of local governance at Secondary School level. During this time, he has served as Chair of a Community Committee and Chair of Governors. He is also a Local Authority appointee at another local secondary school.  He currently sits on the curriculum working group and supports the careers programme at Court Moor.

Roger trained as a Secondary School teacher and has worked both in secondary and further education in Hampshire. Roger also worked as an Education Officer in industry and as a Schools’ Industry Liaison Officer in all phases of education and designed a range of innovative programmes with employer involvement. A number of these programmes ran throughout Hampshire and encouraged the development of women entrepreneurs and the training and achievement of qualifications to support women to return to the workplace. Roger also ran a European funded project to design and deliver a development programme for school aged young people to get them back into education. For over twenty years he was involved in setting up and running locally the Young Enterprise programme for Schools and Colleges. He is retired from full time employment.

Tamzin Redpath

Tamzin has been a member of the Governing Body since November 2020. When her son started at Court Moor, she wanted to be part of the school community in some way and being on the Governing Body was a good way to achieve this. She is part of three working groups – Curriculum, Ofsted and Safeguarding.

She has had a varied employment career over the years; more recently she has been chairperson on the committee for a local community preschool. Her work experience and the experience in being involved in the running of the community preschool has given her a variety of skills and the confidence to be part of the Governing Body.

Paula Stephenson

Paula became a governor in October 2020 following the first national lockdown. With two daughters at Court Moor, she was impressed at the way the school adapted in such difficult circumstances.

Paula is a member of the curriculum group and designated pupil premium governor. Both areas are of interest to her as she worked for Local Authorities in education roles for several years.

Sarah Caine

Sarah become a governor as being a parent of 3 children she has an active interest in the education system and ensuring that in difficult economic times for schools the provision for children is the best it can be for each and every child. She believes that governors should be a critical friend to the school and skills that governors bring to the school should complement and enhance the educational professionals that deliver the provision.  

She has been a governor since 2012, with 6 years as Chair at a local infant school, Sarah is vice -chair of the Finance committee, a member of the Ofsted working group and student personal development governor.  During her time as a governor, she has had experience of Ofsted inspections; addressing funding issues and seeking solutions through both income generation and cost review; comprehensive strategic planning; monitoring and delivery of the plan; marketing strategy and strengthening community links. 

Her professional background is as a chartered accountant with varied commercial and audit experience in blue chip organisations. She is currently working part time as a finance manager for a portfolio of small businesses.

Anila Arshad-Mehmood

Anila (She/Her) is a co-opted Governor who joined the governing body in 2022. Anila has experience working with children and young people from nurseries to adult education, most recently in Further and Higher Education as a Professional Services lead, Senior Leader for Welfare, Safeguarding and Personal Development. Anila is involved in education daily now working in staff development in a Global Education provider and contributes through her role on the Curriculum and Staffing working groups.  With specific delegated responsibility for PSHE, student personal development and welfare Anila will co-ordinate with the school to ensure continuing Court Moor values to educate the whole student. 

Anila remains committed to continuing personal development as a registered Mental Health First Aid England, and ASIST trainer, and currently reading an MBA. She has an avid interest in theatre and reading and is a member of several book clubs; similarly, poetry remains a continuing personal and professional passion.  Anila volunteered to join the Governing body due to a strong belief in the role of education as a gateway to self-reflection and ongoing development in both self and society.  The values of the school and Senior Leadership Team and the dedication to develop independent and resilient young people mirrors Anila’s own person-centred values and is why Anila continues to serve on the Governing Body at Court Moor.

Sarah-Jane Wakefield

Sarah-Jane Wakefield is a Co-opted Governor who joined the governing body in October 2022. Her decision to join was driven by her desire to give something back to the community and her strong belief in the role of education in society.

With over 20 years of leadership experience spanning complex and culturally diverse organisations, from FTSE 100 to governmental bodies. Sarah-Jane is an experienced strategic and trusted c-suite advisor providing counsel across a diverse portfolio in global corporate communications, employee engagement, leadership communications, and organisational and cultural transformation. This experience and knowledge has given her a variety of skills that she hopes will be beneficial to the school and the confidence to be part of the Governing body.

Sarah-Jane is a member of the curriculum and staffing committee's and is looking forward to interacting regularly with staff, students, and parents, as a stakeholder engagement governor. She believes in ongoing personal development and growth holding an MBA in Communications and Leadership, a Masters in Health Education and Health Promotion, and a BA in Journalism. She is a Mental Health First Aider, a Fellow of the Institute of Internal Communications and an Accredited Practitioner of the Chartered Institute of PR.

Karen Hannaby
Karen joined the Governing Body in October 2022 and is a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Following a 30 year career in secondary education both as a teacher and as a senior leader, Karen was keen to become involved in her local school. She has varied experience in the secondary education sector having worked in 7 different schools and has a particular interest in teaching & learning and in staff development.

With a son just commencing university, Karen also has recent experience of school life from a parent perspective.


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