Courtmoor day1 2021 130

Set for Year 7 (Year 6 to 7 Transition)

Day to Day

Virtual Tour and Interactive Map

For a virtual schoool tour and interactive school map with video introductions for various areas of the site please click here.

What should a student do if they need an item which they have left at home?

The student will need to go to reception and explain. The receptionist will try to contact home and arrange for the item to be brought in. If the item is lunch and reception are unable to make contact, we will arrange some food from the canteen.

How do we know which classroom each lesson is in?

Your son/daughter’s timetable includes a classroom identification code e.g. L2. These can be cross referenced with the map of the school which is available here. If your son/daughter is unsure where to go, they can ask a teacher or go to reception. PE lessons are taught in different venues but always commence in either the Gym or Sports Hall changing rooms.

Can my child text me during the day?

The use of mobile phones is not permitted at any time during the school day. The school will contact you if the need arises. The school will not respond immediately to issues which are raised by students phoning or texting their parents.

What should I do if my child loses their cashless catering card?

Don’t worry. At either first or second break or the end of school they need to go to the Finance Office in L block where Mrs Rothwell or Mrs Wells will issue a replacement card. This costs £1 and will be charged to your catering account. We recommend that the cashless catering card is kept securely in a purse or wallet.

When is food available from the canteen?

The canteen is open at both breaks each day.

How can I find out what is on the menu?

The canteen has a 3 week rolling menu incorporating a hot and cold meal offer each day. The menu can be viewed on the website by following this link. Please note that for operational reasons the food can differ from the published menu. For further information on using the canteen please use these document links below to see the Cashless Catering guide and Finance guide.

Is my son/daughter eligible for Free School Meals?

If you think your son/daughter is eligible for Free School Meals, please complete the online eligibility check by following this link. Even if you decide to not take up the offer of free school meals, please do register your eligibility.

Is my son/daughter eligible for the Forces Premium?

If you think your son/daughter is eligible for Forces Premium, please email

How will my son/daughter know when they have homework and when will it be set?

All homework is set via the satchel:one system. Homework is normally set from the fifth week of autumn term to allow time for each year 7 tutor group to setup their logins in their first IT lesson. A description of the homework task, suggested time for completion, the deadline and how it should be submitted are all detailed in each homework post on satchel:one. We do not have a homework timetable as these frequently lead to tasks being set which do not directly impact on learning. Instead, departments set homework if it either deepens learning or prepares them for the next lesson.

What should I do if my satchel:one login isn’t working?

Parent/carers will be issued with their own satchel:one (previously called Show My Homework) login to monitor their child's homework during the first 2-3 weeks of term. Students access satchel:one via RM Unify, which uses the same login details as a classroom computer, and will be covered in their initial computer lessons. If you have an issue with satchel:one then please contact the school via

How does my child access EduLink One?

Students should access EduLink One via the tile in RM Unify. They login to it with the same username and password as a classroom computer. Students will be able to view their timetable and house points, and book extra-curricular activities when available.

Which language will my child study?

In Year 7 your son/daughter will be taught either French or German. We cannot offer open choice due to staffing constraints as we only have limited timetable capacity within our staff of subject specialists. We are unable to make swaps between French and German because of class sizes and classroom capacity.

Can my child cycle to school?

We have limited spaces in the cycle sheds. We issue cycle permits but for a child to be eligible they need to meet our criteria. This includes having passed a Bikeability proficiency assessment up to level 2, having a roadworthy bike and wearing a cycle helmet to and from school. All the conditions are outlined when they apply for a cycle permit. The application form is available from reception.

What does the timetable look like?

Timetables are issued to tutor groups on the first day of the Autumn Term. We have 6 teaching periods each day of 50 minutes duration. Some lessons are ‘double lessons’ which means that a subject is taught for 100 minutes. Whilst these are usually taught back to back, they can also be split over first break. To see an annotated timetable, please click here.

What if my son/daughter loses their timetable?

If it is lost during the school day, they can follow their tutor group to lessons and then go to reception at break or 2:30pm. Reception can print another copy. If they are not with their tutor group, they must go to reception and they will be able to look up their timetable and print a copy.


Absence/Lateness/Holiday/Planned Absence

In the case of absence due to illness, please phone the school absence line on 01252 615065, choosing option 1. Please leave your child’s full name, tutor group and a reason for their absence.

In cases of lateness due to unforeseen traffic etc., please phone the school reception giving an estimated arrival time.

Holiday/Absence request forms are available at reception. They need to be returned to reception or emailed back to Details, along with the form, can be found by following this link. Please note that in accordance with statutory regulations we can only authorise absence in exceptional circumstances.

How do I communicate with their teachers?

Send an email for the attention of the teacher concerned to This will be forwarded to the teacher and they will endeavour to reply within 48 hours. We work shoulder to shoulder with parents if an issue arises, and this includes the way we communicate. We do have a code of conduct for parental communications and ask that all parents adhere to this when contacting the school. It can be viewed here.

External Appointments (e.g. Medical/Dental)

Either send an email or telephone reception to notify them of the appointment and to arrange a collection time. You will need to come into reception to sign your son/daughter out. Or send your son/daughter in with a letter for the attention of their tutor. Again, you will need to come in to reception to sign your son/daughter out.

On return, your son daughter may sign themselves back in to school.

Changing contact details

Please email any changes of address or phone numbers/email addresses to In the email, please state your son/daughter’s name and tutor group.

Parents’ evenings

The first parents’ evening provides a chance for you to meet with your son/daughter’s tutor and discuss their first few weeks at Court Moor. This takes place in October. The academic progress parents’ evening takes place in June. Bookings for both of these are made via EduLink One. A letter will be sent to you prior to bookings opening with details on how to use the system. If you have any issues with making appointments, please email the nature of your issue to


If your child is prescribed medication for a long or short term health condition, it is important to notify First Aid. Please either complete the downloaded medication consent form or come into reception to complete one when handing over the medication to a member of reception staff.  Medication will be securely stored in the First Aid room & only administered by the First Aider on duty.

Students are not allowed to carry medication in their bags during the school day.

Feeling unwell during the school day

If your son/ daughter feels unwell they must first report to reception to be assessed by a First Aider on duty. If necessary the school will contact you to discuss further. Should your child contact you directly please support us by telling them to report to reception following the correct procedure. 

Uniform and Lost Property

What is acceptable school uniform?

We offer comprehensive guidance, including examples of acceptable trousers from a range of retailers here.

What if we’ve got the wrong uniform?

There are circumstances when your son/daughter may come to school with incomplete or incorrect uniform. If such a circumstance arises, please send them in with a note. They will be issued with a red card by their tutor which they must wear on their shirt or jumper. This notifies all staff that they have been checked by their tutor and ensures they won’t be sent again as without these cards, this can happen repeatedly during the day.

What is the PE uniform?

Details of the PE uniform can be found by following this link. 

What should my child do if they lose all/part of their PE kit?

Check the baskets located in the changing rooms. Ask in the PE office (upstairs in the Sports Hall) whether anything has been handed in. Finally, ask at Reception. It is worth trying again the following day, just in case the items are handed in. All items should be named.

Enrichment Clubs and Activities

Which clubs are run after school, when and at what time?

We publish a list each term of the enrichment clubs/activities on offer. This is posted within the first week of each term. Click here to go to the activities page. An Enrichment Fair for Year 7 is run in the first term where every club/activity has a promotional stand. We expect that every student signs up to at least one enrichment activity in Year 7 as this further helps them to develop an affinity with the school.

What should I do if my child doesn’t arrive home as expected after a club/practice/match?

If it is before 16:00, please call reception, who will be able to check if they are still on the school site and pass a message to them. If it is after 16:00 and you are beginning to worry, please come to the school and find a member of staff, who will be able to help you. Please note that we do not communicate every after school event with parents, as due to the number of these, it is not practical to do so. We do rely on students communicating with parents, in order that mishaps and unnecessary concern are avoided.

If your son/daughter has a mobile phone, we do recommend that they take it with them to any enrichment activities hosted by other venues, so they can contact you if there are changes to arrangements. This can be particularly useful if there is a trip or sports fixture after school and travel arrangements are changed by traffic etc.

How can I find out about music tuition?

If you are interested in your child taking up Music tuition. Please email or phone to speak to Mrs Sarah Davis, Finance Officer who oversees the peripatetic music programme. Mrs Davis will be able to discuss the range of music lessons on offer, along with their costs.

Friendships and Sanctions

What if they get a detention?

We have learning conversations rather than detentions at Court Moor. This is where if an issue arises which would previously have resulted in a detention, you will go to the teacher’s classroom and have a conversation aimed at resolving the issue. The emphasis of these conversations is on unpicking what has happened and then finding a way to move things forward. At Court Moor we place great emphasis on developing students who reflect on their actions and take responsibility for them.

What if I don’t agree with a punishment they’ve got?

If a circumstance arises whereby a sanction is given by a teacher and your son/daughter queries it, in the first instance they should go back and talk to their teacher. In the majority of cases, we find that this resolves the issue. If, however, they are still querying the sanction after this email the teacher concerned and they can inform you of the background to the sanction. It is important in this situation when emailing or speaking to teachers that parents are mindful that they have been given one perspective about the situation and there is likely to be a different perspective from the teacher. A parent does not have the right legally to refuse for their child to sit a detention.

What if they fall out with their friends?

Many fall outs involve a short period of very heightened emotions between the individuals concerned. It is important that a parent discusses the issue with the child and tries to help them resolve it themselves initially. Whilst your first instinct may be to contact the child’s parents or the school, or merely call it bullying – all such interventions diminish your child’s ability to resolve friendship issues independently and is likely to exacerbate issues for the future. If concerns continue contact the tutor so the school are aware and can help.

What if I want them to move tutor groups?

This can seem to be the best and most rapid solution to a friendship issue. However, it is not something we do unless there is an exceptional circumstance. When they first start at Court Moor, everyone will be in tutor groups and classes with a mixture of people they know (either well or as acquaintances) and people they don’t know (from other primary schools). This may initially make them feel nervous but we run ice breaker activities to get people chatting and you will find you will quickly make new friends. If as time goes by a friendship issue occurs, we focus on working through and resolving the friendship issue with those involved, as ultimately moving tutor groups doesn’t resolve the situation. As the tutor groups are pretty full, moving a student into another tutor group will often force a student to have to leave that tutor group which can be understandably difficult.

What if they don’t get on with a teacher?

If they feel they don’t get on with a teacher, it’s worth giving it a few more lessons to see whether the feeling changes. If the feeling continues, then it is worth contacting the teacher to talk about it. It is important that you emphasise to your son/daughter that it is about working through the feeling with the teacher so they don’t start to develop a grudge towards that teacher. It is likely that following your contact, the teacher will have a learning conversation with your son/daughter focussed on resolving the issue. This discussion will focus around the issue and how to move things forward.  

What if we’ve got problems at home?

If the problem is likely to affect your child’s wellbeing or involves safeguarding, we ask that you contact the pastoral team or alternatively, that you email or telephone the Head of Year Seven.

Year 7 Photographs

What happens with the photographs when I start in September?

Photographs are taken on the first week during P1 and 2, and you will be offered the opportunity to purchase packs of photos from the school photographer. If you would like photographs with siblings, then these are taken after school (2:30pm onwards). If this is the case, they are likely to arrive home later and you may wish to arrange to collect them.



Page Downloads Date  
20210430 Parent Introduction to School Computer Systems 29th Jul 2021 Download
Lunch and Catering Guide 23rd May 2024 Download
Friends of Court Moor School letter to new parents 24th May 2021 Download
Finance guide for new parents 23rd May 2024 Download
Application Form to Request Absence 26th Jun 2024 Download
Year 6 Parent Induction 16th Jul 2024 Download