Courtmoor day1 2021 145

Curriculum Overview


At Court Moor we offer a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that caters for all. It provides students with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences and gives pupils opportunities to fulfil their potential. Our curriculum is designed to help all students to:

  • develop lively and enquiring minds
  • communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
  • learn essential employability skills
  • explore and understand the world in which they live
  • appreciate the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations
  • express themselves creatively and enjoy the creativity of others
  • appreciate a wide range of human achievement
  • develop personal, moral and spiritual values, including respect for others
  • be prepared for the opportunities and responsibilities of life in a changing world
  • demonstrate and develop five main character skills: confidence, integrity, kindness, courage and courtesy
  • learn how to learn and to regard learning as an enjoyable, lifelong activity
  • develop a wide range of interests and appreciate the need for a healthy lifestyle
  • set high personal standards of achievement and value excellence
  • reflect British values and foster an understanding of their importance in today’s society.

We ensure that all students are able to access the full curriculum at Court Moor regardless of their SEND needs. Whilst the school is not fully accessible, specialist rooms for each subject are accessible and classes with students with physical difficulties will be timetabled in these rooms to ensure full access for all students.

Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3 Court Moor follows the requirements of the national curriculum.  It consists of English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.

In addition to extend the learning of our students, in Year 7 students take Creative Writing and Journalism, in Year 8 they take Classics and Global Studies and in Year 9 students take Social Studies (Psychology, Sociology and Politics).

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is taught as discrete lessons in Year 7 and 8 by a specialist teacher, and as “Off curriculum days” in Year 9. PSHE covers:

  • Health and Well Being
  • Living in the wider world
  • Relationships

Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11, all pupils follow a common core of GCSE courses in English, Mathematics, and Science. 

There is no difference in the curriculum provision for boys and girls, but an element of choice is allowed in Years 10 and 11. The school ensures that the EBacc (English Baccalaureate) qualification is available at KS4 for all students to study, should they wish.

In KS4 students can choose:

  • one option from one of the following entitlement areas:
    • history,
    • geography
    • computer science
    • modern foreign language
  • plus two from:
    • art & design 
    • business
    • drama
    • film studies 
    • food and nutrition
    • engineering
    • design technology
    • computer science
    • modern foreign languages (Spanish, German or French)
    • music
    • humanities (geography and history)
    • philosophy, religion and ethics
    • physical education  
    • Sociology
    • textile design

The structure of the curriculum plan allows students to choose, if they wish, two languages, or two humanities subjects or two arts subjects. As our KS4 curriculum is reviewed each year it may be the case that not all subjects on this list are offered.


Get Set Days

Citizenship, Careers, Religious Study, eSafety and Relationship and Sexual Education, is taught in “Off Curriculum” days (Get Set) across Years 9-11. These Get Set days cover a range of topics including:

  • Health and Well-being, including mental health
  • Living in the wider world (careers, transition Post 16, employment skills, drugs, tobacco and alcohol, revision skills )
  • Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
  • Citizenship
  • Religious Studies
  • eSafety

Spirit of the School